Students in Tragedy as they see their results....

The entire students of fupre excluding the first year  (100 level) seems to be in a sad mood as they see their first semester result.
One of the things that aggravates the students is that they do not see their first semester results in the beginning of the second semester but do see it in not even in the middle but some days to the exam weeks😥😥.
Another teasing issue is that the first semester of 2017/2018 results seems tapered with according to the students especially the 200&300level engineering students. Imagine that a particular course was parallel 'F' in 300 petroleum engineering. The pictures are the posts made by students showing that  they are not happy at all and they are pleading to the school authority to come to their aid...

If you read this posts drop a comment as it will be used to make the results more convincing and manageable...
Remember to share this posts to all FUPRE students for a smooth protest and comment after reading......




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