Aluta greetings in the name of the struggle that accommodates the major electorates of our dear country Nigeria.

The Team Egalitarian '18 led by Comr. Ohanwe Emmanuel. I. find this as an obligation and responsibility to present this report before you to fulfill the "accountability" promise in our manifesto even as our reign draw to an end.

We sincerely appreciate the mandate given to us to steer this year's academic ship and your support so far, you all have indeed been a backbone and pillar to our unprecedented success.

It could be recalled that the Team Egalitarian '18 was the first government since the history of FUPRE to celebrate "A 100days in office" even when the school was on strike and students at home, this was celebrated with alot of achievements recorded on that day of celebration, 13th Jan. 2018, for detailed info on the achievements of Team Egalitarian '18 within 100 days please download the document through the link below:

We have chosen to be cultured in our dealings and we only speak when it is necessary to speak, in the face of destructive criticism, character assassination and casting of aspersions we have chosen to maintain orderliness and civility, responding when need be.

This Team have achieved alot in the face of acute shortage of resources, delay in inaugurating the Student House of Assembly and Student Judiciary Council.
Our power of engagement, constructive and modern tactics of negotiation have kept peace on campus, most of the agitations and struggle have been won through biros and round table discussions, we have upheld the peace ambassadorship not neglecting when to act.

In order not to make a long epistle of the giant strides of this team, I will quickly be stating a concise report of every office. Find below:

- To ensure representation of students in the management Students Disciplinary Committee (SDC)
- Procurement of mosquito nets
- ‎Radio station i.e FUPRE FM
- ‎Administrative efficiency
- ‎Relaxation Centre
- ‎Environmental Assessment
- ‎Summer school
From the manifesto above, we scored 4/6 and that's a passmark in the face of acute challenge and unfavourable condition. Relaxation centre and radio station were blockaded. Read below

This arm had three leadership through at her reign, the present leadership is led by Rt. Hon. Ibrahim - the acting speaker, this arm had a rough start because of its delayed inauguration. They're short of two members making them 18 honourables.
Below are the few things they've done
- They approved a laudable capital project for the President- One they feel will serve the true needs of the Students.

- ‎They've also put in place measures to ensure proper auditing of all the approved funds withdrawn from the Union's purse.

- ‎In the brief time they've been on board, we've successfully managed to show to the students that FUPRE politics is no longer business as usual.

- ‎They've have fought all corrupt practices as best they could, and have also brought defaulters to book.

- ‎The 7th Legislative arm of the Students' Union is successfully reviving and amending the Union's constitution as deemed fit, making corrections to all loopholes in the process. This is an achievement previous Legislative arms could only dream of.

- ‎They have also modified the manner in which students representatives of ISEC are chosen which was laissez-faire. From henceforth, any student who wishes to be a member of ISEC must be certified to be a bonafide representative who has been elected by his or her constituency. Thus, they must come with a letter of consent from their various departmental presidents.

Comr. Solomon Ayodugokorogha was duly elected to occupy this position.
The office of the PRO is the closest office to the students and have given students a sense of belonging.

- This office for the first time in history increased the number of 100l students who applied for scholarship, given them technical assistance to registration, improving awareness, helping them obtain necessary documents needed from the school authority with the power of the union.

- ‎This office have also stopped the defacing of the University walls by mandating all publications to get an approval from the PRO office with intimacy of the CSO.

Comr. Adamu Bryan was duly elected to occupy this position and assisted by Comr. Mbonu Mac Raphael.
This office was able to break the norm of the office of DOS becoming inactive after First semester, this is the first time a DOS is doing any public activity in second semester in the history of FUPRE.
Some of the events organised are as follows :

- Welcome back concert

- ‎Fupre campus cinema

- ‎Bringing of major comedians to matriculation party.

- ‎First time major headliners performed in FUPRE

- ‎Producing Fupres next top comedian via competition and given them a stake in the comedy terrain.

- ‎Upcoming open mic cafe, jazz night September

- ‎Upcoming Fawa awards

- ‎Upcoming connect concert with major entertainers in Nigeria, date unconfirmed

Comr. Ferdinand was duly elected to occupy this position and assisted by Comr. Obi Gabriel.

This office have refused to be tagged "debtors" as fuprites have always tagged previous governments, all awards, medals and cash prizes were presented when due to the rightful players. Officials have in series of games smiled at this office and have created a relationship with this office.

This office have also widened sports to accommodate other athletics and not just football, also involving females in games.
 Some of the games organized were

- Inter level football competition
- ‎Inter Tribal cup
- ‎Inter school Friendlies
- ‎Founders Day competition
- ‎Religious cup (First of its kind)
- ‎Vice chancellor's sports festival.
Other sports activities they added include:
- VC sports festival
- ‎Football
- ‎Volleyball
- ‎Basketball
- ‎Athletics
- ‎Marathon race
- ‎Chess
- ‎Takwando
- ‎Scrabble etc.

Comr. Nganji Christopher was duly elected to occupy this position.
This office supported the course of the Zenith ATM and is still solving financial problems as to loan and transaction error as to ATM. He did the following :
- Operation remita simplicity
- ‎Increasing the tribal association fund

Comr. Donj was duly elected to occupy this position.
This office have been so workaholic, this office has no time to spare, he can be called by 12am to attend to critical issues, it's the bedrock of students experience in campus. This office works so much in hand with the office of the president to ensure maximum
- This office ensured the reversal of campus transport fare from #70 to #50

- This office ensured maximum and quick intervention to issues both within and outside the campus, there was no case of any student being stabbed to death as a case of community fight or molestation,  this is due to constant communication and visits to the various security posts in and outside the university premises.

- This office also agitated for the procurement of sanitary items, waste bins and cleaning equipments on campus by the management committee on Environmental Sanitation and Inspection Team (ESIT).

- This office have also ensured with the help of the president that Students remanded in police station don't spend two days under detention.

- ‎This office have been up and doing to ensure that the president is kept posted on developments and shortcomings.

- ‎This office ensured that the poles are made available for students in hostels.

Comr. Umoke Charles was duly elected to occupy this position.
This office ensured stress free final year clearance and also the allocation of union hall for programs.

This is the first time a Vice president will be active in first semester or organize any program in first semester, he's the second in command in the union, for the first time the SUG dinner night of FUPRE featured managers of industries and SUG presidents in other institutions, some of the notable events organised:
- Operation feed fupre program (first of its kind) where students were fed for two days.
- ‎Ultimate search
- ‎Marathon race
- ‎A successful Student week with massive turnouts.

This is the number one man of the Student Union Government who gives approval to all activities and engagements except for exceptional activities. All the offices are accountable to him and He's also accountable to the masses.
The success of every office is directly or indirectly tied to the office of the president, he represents students before the management and is asked to defend any proposal from the student to the management.

- To ensure representation of students in the management Students Disciplinary Committee (SDC)
- Procurement of mosquito nets
- ‎Radio station i.e FUPRE FM
- ‎Administrative efficiency
- ‎Relaxation Centre
- ‎Environmental Assessment
- ‎Summer school
From the manifesto above, we scored 4/6 and that's a passmark in the face of acute challenge and unfavourable condition. Relaxation centre and radio station were blockaded. Read below

- Ensure to click on the link below to download the achievements of 100 days in office

- Presently the student union president is a member of the Student Disciplinary Committee(SDC) and have witnessed five cases of students which he ensured that a fair judgement was passed on the student as a representative.

- ‎The radio station was designed to be the Union capital project from abinitio because of the initial 5km free broadcasting limit by BON, 8 willing students were recruited and formed a committee that planned the airing, order of programs and regulation, they already contracted a staff from kpoko FM to train our students to manage the stage and air professionally, but we received a shocking news of a recent policy that 5km free licensing is cancelled and henceforth campus radios will purchase license amounting to 2.5million naira, our treasury advised us to have a change in plan.

- ‎Teeter-tooter water dispenser was invariably used as a capital project to solve the water crisis in boys Hostel B2, students can now have water even when there's no light.

- ‎The relaxation centre was never aimed to be our "capital project", we designed it to be 
our "attracted project", we started pursuing this project even before we were inaugurated, started the pursuit from 13th August, 2017, recall that we were elected 9th August, 2017, this project was sent to Sen. Dr. Ifeanyi Arthur Okowa - the executive governor of Delta state on November, 2017, we resolved that it mustn't be DELSU each time the governor will want to build a monument for the students, we got positive response of how the governor minuted it to various offices for input and how he was concerned about it, quite unfortunate that the day we were suppose to do the ground breaking ceremony of the project we realized that the council couldn't give a land for this purpose. You can visit the union secretariat to request for the 25page document sent to the governor and have a feel of the robust content. We hope our successors bring this dream to limelight as we will assist them with the necessary contacts.

- ‎Fixing of the union bus after being abandoned for two sessions, was another goal,

- ‎Environmental assessment in line with Environmental Sanitation Inspection Team which the president is a member of, hostels were constantly assessed informally and hostel governors were occasionally interrogated, this brought about waste bins round the school.
- ‎Procurement of nets, even when the state government said it wasn't possible we got it in our own way and we still anticipate second batch.

- ‎ATM installation, after the long outreach and perseverance, having appointments with different banks, we were able to solidify our reach on zenith, you can request the document of our meeting with Zenith and Gt bank from the union secretariat.

- ‎Reroofing of Ugbomro hostel, this was handled early this session following the proposal defence  before the Prochancellor and members of the University governing council.

- ‎Regular clearing of grasses, the campus have taken a new and green look due to the recommendation given to the management to weed twice in a month, it has never been so.

- ‎agitation for the FUPRE act, media houses, newspapers, the president was severally called upon by media houses to speak on the FUPRE act, a protest was staged, led by the president for this purpose.

- ‎The summer school was pursued with all energy and optimism, the management requested we get an approval from NUC, that without NUC approval we can't float such a program in a Federal University and this held it down as other federal universities aren't into it.

- ‎lecture free week, we considered the effect on students performance and even in the face of a tight calendar and the management stiff position on their decision, we were able to project the students' heartbeat.

- ‎We were able to organize a skill acquisition program to give career alternative to students, bringing in TIC and NDE who hunt for skillful students to empower them.

- ‎Through the SA to president on academics and career related issues we organised tutorials at the tail end of first semester to enhance students' performance.

- ‎No school fees no exam policy, this became a national policy amongst universities, many universities were shut down while some withdrew their students because of inability to pay school fees but Team Egalitarian '18 resolved it without a scratch on the wall. There are many more achievements we won't be sharing for the length of this post.

- Visit to Senate President of Nigeria - Sen. Olubukola Saraki, our letters were endorsed by the office of the Senate President of Nigeria, we were armed with our proposals to better the future of fuprites but unforeseen circumstances hindered it, we are open to debriefing on how we made our way to him.

- Visit to observe sitting at the National Assembly, this also didn't work out becuse it was done simultaneously with Saraki movement.

- ‎Visit to State minister of Petroleum, this did not go through because of timing. Etc.

Team Egalitarian '18 leveraged on relationships to better lives of our students though not all paid.

- We have on several occasions leveraged on the relationship with the DPO to release our students detained via phone calls not to spend more than a night.

- ‎Leveraged on our external relationships to obtain mosquito nets for students.

- ‎Leveraged on relationship with the media

- ‎leveraged on relationship to attract Technological incubation Centre a parastatal of 
Federal ministry of education that sponsors and accommodate student inventors and entrepreneurs.

- ‎leveraged on management relationship to set up a Student Soft Loan Facility (SSLF) in conjunction with faculty associations which will be open to loan for students

We appreciate JCCF for their undying support, all tribal associations for their efforts, all departmental heads, faculty heads and Course reps, we appreciate the management for heeding to our request and having a mutual understanding with the union.

I won't forget to appreciate my appointees for their proactiveness and willingness to serve, their advice and assistance is priceless, the speaker of the 7th legislative arm and the chief judge, we have always agreed to disagree, my executives for standing by me in the face of trial,

Special thanks to the General fuprites who have supported morally, financially and otherwise.

Glory to God that no life was lost during our regime. Before humanity we have delivered the dividends of democracy, we wish our successors the best and pray they don't pass though the rough terrain we passed through.

Comr. Ohanwe Emmanuel. I. (GCUF)
SUG President, FUPRE


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